Technology — Allergy Amulet

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Three Leaves

How the Amulet Works

Our proprietary and patented sensors are made up of thin films that contain trillions of molecular nanocavities that match and bind to target allergenic molecules. When in contact with the allergenic ingredient, our sensor generates a unique electric signal, which alerts the user of the allergen’s presence.


 About the Science

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Three Leaves

The Sampler Deconstructed

Our sensors are calibrated to detect allergenic ingredients at levels lower than those known to trigger an allergic reaction in the most sensitive food-allergic individuals.


Allergy Amulet's research has been published in Scientific Reports by Nature Publishing Group and Food Chemistry, two of the nation’s leading scientific journals.


our peer-reviewed publications

As a team of many scientists, we recognize the importance of having our work reviewed by other scientists in the field before launching our product out into the world. 


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