Posts in Food Allergies in College
Is Coconut a Nut?
Adults and Food Allergies, Food Allergy Awareness, Food Allergy Education, Food Allergy Emergencies, Food Allergy Laws, Food Allergy Research, Food Allergy Statistics, Health & Wellness, Kids and Food Allergies, Peanuts, Rare Allergies, Restaurant + Food Allergy, Teens and Food Allergies, Coconut Allergy, Special Dietary Needs, Nut Allergies, Most Popular, Food Allergies at School, Food Allergies in CollegeMeg Nohepeanut allergy, coconut allergy, coconut, is coconut a tree nut, are coconuts tree nuts, is coconut considered a tree nut, coconut allergic, can you be allergic to coconut, how many people are allergic to coconuts, coconut tree nut allergy, tree nuts, tree nut allergy
Managing Food Allergies as a Collegiate Athlete
College-Bound: Talking With New Friends About Food Allergies
Food Allergies at School, Food Allergies in College, Nut Allergies, Positivity + Food Allergy, Trending NowEmma Hochbergfood allergies in college, food allergies at school, food allergies in schools, food allergies and school, friends with food allergies, food allergy friend, back to school
Navigating Food Allergies as a College Student
Food Allergies at School, Food Allergies in College, Teens and Food Allergies, Adults and Food Allergies, Health & Wellness, Kids and Food Allergies, Special Dietary NeedsBenjamin Gordonfood allergies in college, teens with food allergies, food allergies, navigating food allergies, food allergies at school, food allergies in schools, food allergies and school, food allergies in school, strategies, food allergy tips
Living in Italy with Celiac Disease: Tips for Gluten-Free Travel
Celiac Disease, Gluten, Outings + Food Allergies, Restaurant + Food Allergy, Traveling + Food Allergy, Trending Now, Adults and Food Allergies, Food Allergies in College, Food Allergies at School, Health & Wellness, Kids and Food Allergies, Teens and Food AllergiesCatalin Varelaceliac disease, gluten free, gluten, gluten sensitivity, gluten-free, gluten free diet, gluten-free diet, gluten intolerance, travel to Italy, travel, travel tips, traveling with food allergies, international travel with food allergies, smart travel, food allergy travel, food allergy traveling, how to travel with food allergies
Sophie Schmults: Teen Advocating For Those With Sesame Allergy
Food Allergies at School, Food Allergy Awareness, Food Allergy Education, Food Allergy Laws, Kids and Food Allergies, Sesame, Teens and Food Allergies, Food Allergies in College, Food IndustrySophie Schmultssesame allergy, sesame allergies, sesame, FASTER Act, FARE, Adv, Teen, teenager, food-allergic teen, teens with food allergies, food allergy advocacy, food allergy self-advocacy
10 Things To Know About Allergy Amulet’s CEO, Abi Barnes
Adults and Food Allergies, Entrepreneurship, Food Allergy Awareness, Health & Wellness, Positivity + Food Allergy, Traveling + Food Allergy, Women Entrepreneurs, Get to Know Our CEO, Transparency, Nut Allergies, Peanuts, Food Allergies at School, Amulet, Food Allergies in College, Food Detection, Shellfish, Special Dietary NeedsThe Allergy Amulet TeamCEO, women entrepreneurs, Abi Barnes, Abigail Barnes, Allergy Amulet, Allergy Amulet's CEO, female entrepreneur, women in business, invest in women, female lawyer, Yale University
My Life With Food Allergy: A Parent Survey Report
Food Allergy Awareness, Food Allergy Education, Food Allergy Research, Food Allergy Statistics, Kids and Food Allergies, Teens and Food Allergies, Health & Wellness, Food Allergies at School, Food Allergies in College, Special Dietary NeedsMeg Nohefood allergy, food allergies, AAFA, KFA, Kids with food allergies, Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, food allergy research, food allergy education, latest food allergy research, how to cope with food allergies, new food allergy diagnosis, tools to manage food allergies, Allergy Amulet, food allergy family, food allergy mom, food allergy support, food allergy statistics
How to Find the Right College Food Fit
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Sulfites—The Next Big Thing in Allergy?
Adults and Food Allergies, Food Allergy Awareness, Food Allergy Education, Food Allergy Research, Food Allergy Statistics, Food Allergy Testing, Food Industry, Kids and Food Allergies, Sulfites, Health & Wellness, Outings + Food Allergies, Rare Allergies, Food Allergy Science, Grocery Shopping, Nutrition, Restaurant + Food Allergy, Special Dietary Needs, Allergen Specific, Food Allergies in College, Teens and Food Allergies, Traveling + Food Allergy, Food Allergies at School, Immune HealthMeg Nohefood allergies, food allergy, sulfite allergy, sulfite sensitivity, sulfite allergy symptoms, food allergy education, allergy to wine, reaction to red wine, reaction to white wine, food allergy reaction, food allergy symptoms, Allergy Amulet, sulfites and asthma
Oral Immunotherapy—Three Years Later
Food Allergies at School, Food Allergy Education, Food Allergy Research, Food Allergy Testing, Kids and Food Allergies, Oral Food Challenge, Positivity + Food Allergy, Teens and Food Allergies, Oral Immunotherapy, OIT, Adults and Food Allergies, Food Allergy Awareness, Food Allergy Prevention, Health & Wellness, Nut Allergies, Peanuts, Sesame, Food Allergies in College, Special Dietary NeedsMeg Nohefood allergies, food allergy, OIT, oral immunotherapy, food allergy OIT, food allergy oral immunotherapy, food allergy education, food allergies in schools, kids with food allergies, food allergy treatment, where can I do OIT for food allergies, oral therapy, food allergy dad, food allergy mom, food allergy support
Food Allergy Advocacy in Schools
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Navigating Food Allergies as a Teen
Food Allergies at School, Food Allergy Awareness, Kids and Food Allergies, Outings + Food Allergies, Positivity + Food Allergy, Teens and Food Allergies, Food Allergy Education, Food Allergy Emergencies, Health & Wellness, Food Allergies in College, Nut Allergies, Peanuts, Restaurant + Food Allergy, Special Dietary NeedsDaytona Hodsonteens with food allergies, teenager, food allergies, food allergy, food-allergic child, food-allergic teen, food allergy management, FARE, food allergy organization, food allergy advocacy, Dayton Hodson
Emerging Epidemic: Latest Research on Childhood Food Allergies Shows Troubling Trend
Food Allergy Education, Food Allergy Emergencies, Kids and Food Allergies, Teens and Food Allergies, Food Allergy Statistics, Food Allergy Research, Food Allergy Awareness, Special Dietary Needs, Science + Research, Adults and Food Allergies, Food Allergies at School, Food Allergies in College, Food Allergy History, Food Allergy Prevention, Food Allergy Science, Health & Wellness, Immune HealthSusannah Gustafsonfood allergy, food allergies, food allergy research, food allergy statistics, food allergy demographics, food allergy education, Dr. Ruchi Gupta, Dr. Gupta Northwestern, Dr. Gupta food allergies, food allergy numbers, epinephrine auto-injectors, epinephrine, Auvi-Q
Sesame: More Than Just a Street
Food Allergies + Media, Food Allergy Awareness, Food Allergy Education, Food Allergy Laws, Kids and Food Allergies, Teens and Food Allergies, Adults and Food Allergies, Food Allergy Statistics, Health & Wellness, Sesame, Allergen Specific, Food Allergies at School, Food Allergies in College, Food Allergy Emergencies, Food Allergy History, Food Allergy Research, Food Industry, Food Safety, Immune HealthMeg Nohesesame allergy, sesame, tahini allergy, food allergies, food allergy, navigating food allergies, FALCPA, food allergen labeling laws, top 8 food allergies, top food allergies, FDA food labeling laws, food labeling laws, sesame allergies
Killer Beauty Regimens
Food Allergy Awareness, Food Allergy Education, Food Allergy Emergencies, Food Allergy Laws, Kids and Food Allergies, Cosmetics + Food Allergy, Adults and Food Allergies, Health & Wellness, Holidays, Outings + Food Allergies, Transparency, Food Allergies at School, Food Allergies in College, Nut AllergiesAmuletfood allergies, food allergy, food allergies and beauty products, food allergen labeling laws, FALCPA, food allergen labeling consumer protection act, food allergy beauty products, allergic reaction
Take Two: The Importance of Carrying Two Epinephrine Auto-injectors
Food Allergies at School, Food Allergy Awareness, Food Allergy Education, Food Allergy Emergencies, Kids and Food Allergies, Outings + Food Allergies, Teens and Food Allergies, Traveling + Food Allergy, Adults and Food Allergies, Epinephrine, Health & Wellness, Restaurant + Food Allergy, Food Allergies in College, Food Allergy Prevention, Special Dietary NeedsMeg Nohefood allergies, epinephrine, Auvi-Q, EpiPen, epinephrine in thigh, epi, auto-injectors, food allergy emergency, food allergy education, food allergy family, food allergy awareness, epinephrine auto-injectors
The 411 on the 504: School Allergy Plans Decoded
Food Allergies at School, Food Allergy Education, Food Industry, Kids and Food Allergies, Teens and Food Allergies, Food Allergy Laws, Food Allergy Awareness, Food Allergies in College, Food Allergy Prevention, Nut Allergies, Peanuts, Positivity + Food Allergy, Special Dietary NeedsSusannah Gustafsonfood allergies, food allergy laws, ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act, CDC, 504 plan, IEP plan, IHP, Individualized Education Plan, Individualized Healthcare Plan, Section 504, food allergy legal rights, food allergies in school, kids with food allergies, food allergy advocacy
Best Practices for Kids + Epinephrine
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What Food Allergies Can Teach Our Kids
Food Allergies at School, Food Allergy Awareness, Food Allergy Education, Kids and Food Allergies, Teens and Food Allergies, Positivity + Food Allergy, Health & Wellness, Food Allergies in College, Food Allergy Prevention, Food Allergy Testing, Food Detection, Food Safety, Nut Allergies, Nutrition, OIT, Peanuts, Outings + Food Allergies, Special Dietary NeedsMeg Nohefood allergies, food allergy, food-allergic child, food allergy silver lining, food allergy self-advocacy, kids with food allergies, children with food allergies, food allergy lessons, OIT, oral immunotherapy