Posts in Health & Wellness
Growing Your Own Greens—Advancing Food Transparency, One Garden at a Time
Community, Food Equality, Food Justice, Health & Wellness, Most Popular, Nutrition, Technology, Transparency, Food Safety, Food Industry, Grocery Shopping, Immune Health, Trending NowThe Fork Farms Teamfood transparency, Community, gardening, garden, growing your own food, eating local, indoor gardening, hydroponics, health and wellness, Health outcomes, food access, accessibility, affordable food
At-Home Food Allergy & Intolerance Testing
Food Allergy Science, Food Allergy Testing, Health & Wellness, Most Popular, Trending Now, Adults and Food Allergies, Kids and Food Allergies, Science + Research, Teens and Food Allergies, Oral Food ChallengeNazir and the Allergy Amulet Science Teamfood allergy test, food allergy testing, food allergy testing methods, EverlyWell, Quest Diagnostics, allergy testing, allergy lab testing, oral food challenge, skin prick test, blood test, immunoglobulin E
Something's Fishy: What You Need to Know About Histamine Poisoning
Allergen Specific, Health & Wellness, Histamine, Immune System, Rare Allergies, Special Dietary NeedsNazir and the Allergy Amulet Science Teamantihistamines, Histamine, Histidine, allergic reactions, grocery shopping, fermented foods, histamine poisoning
Navigating Meal Delivery for the Food Allergic
Community, Food Industry, Food Safety, Health & Wellness, Kids and Food Allergies, Positivity + Food Allergy, Adults and Food Allergies, Entrepreneurship, Grocery Shopping, Nutrition, Special Dietary Needs, Teens and Food Allergies, Trending Now, Women EntrepreneursAngie Nelsonmeal prep, meal kits, meal delivery, food allergy meals, Safer Plate, cooking with food allergies, food allergy, food allergy parents, parenting
Two Eggs, Toast, and a Side of Weedkiller
Trending Now, Food Safety, Food Industry, Food Detection, Chemical in Foods, Health & Wellness, Adults and Food Allergies, Food Allergy Awareness, Food Allergy Education, Food Allergy Laws, Kids and Food Allergies, Teens and Food AllergiesAmuletRoundup, herbicides, glyphosate, agriculture, EPA, Environmental Working Group, food manufacturers, food supply
Navigating Food Allergies as a College Student
Food Allergies at School, Food Allergies in College, Teens and Food Allergies, Adults and Food Allergies, Health & Wellness, Kids and Food Allergies, Special Dietary NeedsBenjamin Gordonfood allergies in college, teens with food allergies, food allergies, navigating food allergies, food allergies at school, food allergies in schools, food allergies and school, food allergies in school, strategies, food allergy tips
Living in Italy with Celiac Disease: Tips for Gluten-Free Travel
Celiac Disease, Gluten, Outings + Food Allergies, Restaurant + Food Allergy, Traveling + Food Allergy, Trending Now, Adults and Food Allergies, Food Allergies in College, Food Allergies at School, Health & Wellness, Kids and Food Allergies, Teens and Food AllergiesCatalin Varelaceliac disease, gluten free, gluten, gluten sensitivity, gluten-free, gluten free diet, gluten-free diet, gluten intolerance, travel to Italy, travel, travel tips, traveling with food allergies, international travel with food allergies, smart travel, food allergy travel, food allergy traveling, how to travel with food allergies
5 Ways to Integrate Community Care into your Wellness Practice
Strategies to Keep Calm in Uncomfortable Food Situations: A Teenager Perspective
Celiac Disease, Coconut Allergy, Cross Contact, Cross Contamination, Epinephrine, Food Allergy Awareness, Food Allergy Education, Food Allergy Emergencies, Food Allergy Prevention, Food Detection, Food Industry, Health & Wellness, Holidays, Kids and Food Allergies, Nut Allergies, Outings + Food Allergies, Peanuts, Restaurant + Food Allergy, Sesame, Shellfish, Soy, Soy Allergy, Special Dietary Needs, Teens and Food Allergies, Traveling + Food AllergyHayden Millerfood allergies, food allergy, food allergy dad, food allergy family, food allergy teen, teens with food allergies, anaphylaxis, food allergy anxiety, food allergy management, food allergy management tools, Allergy Amulet, strategies
Understanding FALCPA & FDA Food Allergen Labeling Laws
Adults and Food Allergies, Food Allergy Awareness, Food Allergy Education, Food Allergy Laws, Food Industry, Health & Wellness, Kids and Food Allergies, Most Popular, Nut Allergies, Peanuts, Restaurant + Food Allergy, Sesame, Shellfish, Soy, Special Dietary Needs, Teens and Food Allergies, Transparency, Trending NowMeg Nohefood allergy family, food allergy awareness, food allergy education, FDA food regulation, FDA labeling laws, FDA food allergy labeling laws, food allergy information, food allergies, food allergy laws
The Benadryl Challenge & the Importance of Proper Dosing
Health & Wellness, Kids and Food Allergies, Teens and Food Allergies, Trending NowAmuletBenadryl, Social Media, TikTok, teenager, trends, The Benadryl Challenge, Current Issues in Food Allergy, dosing, antihistamines
Allergen-Friendly At-Home Herbal Infusions
Health & Wellness, Immune Health, Immune System, Nutrition, RecipesSara Weinrebherbal infusions, herbs, Natural Healing, immune system, health and wellness, summer, recipe, digestion, wellbeing
Team Allergy Amulet’s Favorite Food Allergy-Friendly Snacks and Treats
Grocery Shopping, Health & Wellness, Kids and Food Allergies, Positivity + Food Allergy, Special Dietary Needs, Adults and Food Allergies, Nutrition, Soy Allergy, Teens and Food Allergies, Traveling + Food AllergyThe Allergy Amulet Teamsafe snacks for food allergies, food allergy snacks, summer treats, food allergic child, food allergy friendly, food, food allergy-friendly brands, food allergy, grocery shopping, grocery shopping with food allergies
The Hunt for Dandelion Cupcakes
Get to Know Our CEO, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, RecipesAmuletrecipes for people with food allergies, spring, allergy mom, food allergy mom, dairy free dessert recipe, healthy dessert recipe, foraging, environmental chemicals
Are Environmental Chemicals Triggering Food Allergies? Yale Researchers Find a Link
Chemical in Foods, Food Allergy Research, Food Allergy Science, Microbiome, Cosmetics + Food Allergy, Food Allergy Education, Gut Health, Health & Wellness, Science + ResearchNazir KhanAllergy Origin Theory, rise in food allergies, why are food allergies on the rise, Yale, Yale University, environmental chemicals, microbiome, Ruslan Medzhitov, gut health, gut and food allergies, immunogens, cause of food allergies, causes of food allergies, food allergy causes, food allergy research, latest food allergy research
Can Viruses Be Linked to Food Allergies and Intolerances?
Adults and Food Allergies, Allergy History, Celiac Disease, Food Allergy Awareness, Food Allergy Education, Food Allergy Research, Food Allergy Science, Health & Wellness, Immune Health, Immune System, Peer Review Studies, Trending NowMeg NoheVirus, food intolerance, food intolerances, cause of food allergies, causes of food allergies, food allergy causes, food allergy research, latest food allergy research
Is Peanut a Nut?
Food Equality Initiative: Improving Nutrition & Ending Hunger
Food Allergy Awareness, Food Allergy Education, Grocery Shopping, Food Justice, Food Equality, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Women EntrepreneursMeg Nohefood justice, food equality, food pantry, food allergy awareness, food allergy education, grocery delivery, grocery shopping with food allergies, online grocery shopping
SOY: the Good, the Bad, and the Delicious
Four Ways to Boost Your Immune System, Naturally
Gut Health, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Immune Health, Immune System, Microbiome, Special Dietary NeedsSara WeinrebImmune, Immunity, health and wellness, nutrition, Winter, microbiome, Cold & Flu Season, Natural Healing