Food Allergies Are On the Rise—Is Skin Exposure to Blame?
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Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) Allergy Treatment
Medication Allergen Labeling and the ADINA Act
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Dining Out With Food Allergies: The Art of Communicating Your Needs to Restaurant Staff
Breaking Bread: How Food Brings Us Together
Our 12 Favorite Allergy-Friendly Snacks & Treats
Amulet, Health & Wellness, CommunityThe Allergy Amulet TeamAbigail Barnes, Abi Barnes, Meg Nohe, favorites, food allergy snacks, favorite things, food allergy friendly, food allergy-friendly brands
Learning About a Low FODMAP Diet
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Is It Really A Food Allergy or Just A Preference?
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Cozy On Up! The Return of Pumpkin Season Is Here
Health & Wellness, Immune Health, Nutrition, RecipesHolly Whittlefrecipe, recipes for people with food allergies, allergen-free recipes, fall, fall recipes, cooking with pumpkin, healthy foods, Immunity, immune system
The Cost of Epinephrine: Is $60 On the Horizon?
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The Baby and the Biome: The Connection Between Mom’s Gut Health and Baby’s Health
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Can You Cook Out Food Allergens?
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I’m Allergic to Peanuts—Are Peas Safe?
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Unexpected Sources of Cross-Contact with Food Allergens
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Food Allergies Today: An Expert Q & A
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Food as Medicine: Eating Your Way to Wellness
Managing Food Allergies as a Collegiate Athlete
My Gluten-Free Journey: Is it Celiac Disease or a Gluten Intolerance?
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Amulets Cross the Atlantic to Advance Research and Support Charity
Health & Wellness, Technology, Amulet, Science + ResearchAmuletpotentiostat, partnerships, partnership, Imperial College London, hemolysis, science, technology, Enginoars, Engineers Without Borders, sensor technologies, MIP sensors
What To Expect When You’re Expecting…An Oral Food Challenge
Food Allergy Education, Kids and Food Allergies, Teens and Food Allergies, Oral Food Challenge, Food Allergy Awareness, Food Allergy Emergencies, Nut Allergies, Peanuts, Food Allergy Testing, Health & Wellness, Special Dietary NeedsMeg Nohefood allergy, food allergies, oral food challenge, OFC, food allergy challenge, allergist, OIT allergist, OIT, food allergy testing, food allergy test, preparing for an oral food challenge, food challenge, food allergy education, kids with food allergies